
On 14 October 2014 11:09, Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> wrote:
> What features do you need that plan9 is missing (honest question)?

Since I can't run a dedicated mail server and I want to be able to read
mail from anywhere, I have to use imap/pop3 from some server I have
no control over. So I use google's gmail.


-- Running imap with multiple mboxes (folders or whatever) did not work
for me (only one of them was updated).

-- Threading did not work properly.

-- When something went wrong during 'sending' from acme Mail, I did not
get any information that the mail had not been sent. So actually I always
had to control sending an email from, say, gmail's web interface.
(Or had to look manually into the logs.) That's a pretty bad behaviour.

-- You can't easily search within all mail like you can using gmail
(for anything in the body, withing given dates, from somebody,
combinations, etc.

-- I don't know how to correctly 'forward' an email from within acme Mail.

-- the fact that gmail helps you to fill addresses when writing an email
is extremely handy and useful.

That's just a few things.

[The worst I feel about www interface of gmail is the lack of a good
editor (undo, formatting). Thus I often prepare the email in acme
but then send it from gmail's interface.]


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