
I don't use acme so most of those issues don't appear for me.

Also, I do run a server so mail is delivered to my machine and I
connect to it from iphones/ipads/etc etc when I want to use
those devcies. Most often I just use plan9 to read mail.

searching in nedmail is more limited I agree, you can only search
forwards or backwards in the current mailbox for patterns that match
either the header or the body; However this is enough for me.

autocompleting email addresses would be a niceity, though I tend to set
up aliases which I remember (I use a name I chose rather than the name
the computer or some authority chose). This is imperfect and occasionally
I need to lookup an adress but its rare.

I think I am trying to say, my experience is better than what you had,
however it is not as slick as gmail et al, however I have gotten used it
plan9's email and it doesn't feel like a problem for me.

Now a modern web browser, either native or running in an emulated environment 
would be really good... Actually I have been toying with running another 
Pi with Linux on it as a Chrome server.


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