Come, come, Vester. Please don’t introduce false premises under the guise of 
calling them out. I never said that. 9front as the official Plan 9 would be 
pretty absurd.

I never said it was *the* development branch. It is *a* development branch. I 
could even imagine that it may in fact be the most popular and active for those 
wishing to develop new software on (with 9miller being very popular as well). 

If fact, I noted other projects... other Plan 9s as well in my initial and my 
response to Lucio. I was merely pointing out that Lucio in the past and in the 
OAuth thread keeps introducing the idea that the P9F should impose order and 
wall off everything but 9legacy [which he implies is the official one], even to 
the point of arguing in the past that 9front developers should port changes 
that are “good for the community” or some such to the “actual” Plan 9. 

Instea the charter for P9F's language was written to be inclusive. Why? Because 
historically this mailing list/community has been host to discussion for 
9legacy, 9atom, 9front, p9p, etc. Even Inferno or Harvey come up 
semi-regularly. As such, it is not outside the general understanding of “Plan 
9” as encompassing a wider berth. Although many of the P9F folk are 
contributors to 9legacy, I think they know that the community is broader and 
want all of it to be “Plan 9”.

So in the end, I apologise if it was unclear or confusing that I suggested to 
Lucio that 9front was to be "Plan 9 from Bell Labs Version 5”. It was a joke 
and everything I wrote following that should have made that very clear that I 
was arguing *specifically* for a plurality of Plan 9s rather than a single one 
[which Lucio was advocating for]. Lucio seems to hate 9front specifically for 
some reason, so the initial statement was intended as tongue in cheek.

Both 9legacy and 9front serve important niche functions within Plan 9 space, 
but neither *are* Plan 9. There is only one “official” Plan 9 and that was last 
updated January 2015. 9legacy positions itself as patch set on top of V4, but 
wants to maintain it in such a way that V4 will always function as V4. 9legacy 
maintains that it is not a fork. 9front says explicitly that it is a fork of V4 
and a continuation based on it’s core principles. Both have fed into each 
other’s ecosystems. Hell, 9legacy’s site even says to run Plan 9 from Bell Labs 
rather than 9legacy if possible, which is kind of funny. And NIX is still 
active, last I heard, but currently has a closed community, not to mention 
Harvey and Jeanne.

So my main point was that we have a plurality and we *should* continue to have 
a plurality. Much like Lucio would find 9front as being blessed as “the 
official one true Plan 9” repugnant, so too would others re: 9legacy. A fair 
swathe of the Plan 9 enthusiast community want to build and evolve and a fair 
swathe want to preserve and maintain, with some incremental quality of life 
tweaks added in, and *both are totally valid*.


> On 18. Aug 2021, at 13.13, wrote:
> Starting from a false premise does not help. 9front is not a development 
> branch of Plan 9. Plan 9 is Plan 9. 9front is 9front. 9front is an 
> open-source fork or derivation of Plan 9.  
> Trying to make 9front the new and official Plan 9 does seem absurd. I'm not 
> sure why there is a strong need for validation. 9front does not need official 
> recognition. Let 9front be what it is. It can exist independent of the Plan 9 
> name. 
> Sincerely,
> Vester 

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