[voice alignment in ABC source]
> how are you doing with beamed music ? Most the traditional music
> I am dealing with is made up from 1/8 and 1/16 notes. The beams
> contain a lot of the rhythmical information.

It is an absolute bugger that there isn't a portable something-other-
than-code-32 space in the ASCII character set that ABC could use (so
as to have a visual space in the source that wouldn't produce a beam
break).  Standard Mac fonts have one (which works in BarFly if you
don't try to combine it with too many other beaming-related features)
but there's no way any non-Mac system could use it.

So what I do is align the initial notes of beamed groups: lots of
examples on my website.  This is better than making no attempt at
readability, though it doesn't go as far as I'd like.  (Highland pipe
music can be difficult, with beamed melody note groups containing
multiple separately beamed groups of gracenotes).  Sometimes I'll
introduce a beam break that isn't in the score I'm working from if
I judge that source readability matters more than reproducing the
original exactly - often there are alternate conventions for length
of beams anyway.

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