If you ever try importing a MIDI file you rapidly realise that this is a
simple case.
Any non-Balkan time signature has a standard division into beats and
subdivisions (beyond some point it's just continual dividing by two).

You pad up to the next whole beat in steadily increasing multiples.  Use the
Greedy algorithm, but put the bits in in reverse order e.g.
c/////-c////-c///-c//-c/-c/-c2.  Then you do beats up to the next bar, then
whole bars, then beats to the end of the next whole beat, then Greedy in
forwards order until you get within a quantum of home, and you're done.

Balkan time signatures no doubt also have a proper division but it's less
well known around here.

The more entertaining part of MIDI import is tempo following to know where
the beats currently fall in real time and then guessing how seriously to
take the not end times (Yeah, so it was only 20mSec, but its an off-beat so
it's still a quarter note, just a tad staccato, not worth notating really).

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] Question about rhythm notation

| How should a program handle this:
| M:3/4
| L:1/4
| A5 A| ...
| I think what the author was intending was:
| A4- AA|

One of the reasons I'd expect a lot of programmers to throw
up their hands at this is illustrated by:

  A5 A| ...

Most musicians would object to rewriting this  as  A4-  AA,
and  would suggest that A3- A2A is the right way.  A bit of
thought about  how  one  might  attempt  to  implement  the
general  case  will  rather  quickly lead to the conclusion
that a fatal error message is a much better solution.

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