On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Frank Nordberg wrote:
> Richard Robinson wrote:
> >
> > Lists have been posted here, once or twice,
> ...
> Don't be modest, Richard. *You* have posted a very useful list here at
> the list a couple of times. I've taken the liberty to include it in the
> abcyclopedia at:
> http://www.musicaviva.com/abc/abcyclopedia/view.tpl?kw=Special%20characters
> ...
> >
> > but I'd have thought the best way would
> > be for one of the authors to include a little file listing what their
> > conversion routine knows about ?
> Yep. The list is good, but not that useful as long as the application
> don't support them all - and even worse - there's no way of knowing
> which Tex charcters any given abc application supports.

Yes, that's the trouble. Part of it, anyway. Ideal would be a big list of
all the funnies that TeX can print (is there any end to them, I wonder ?)
and universal ABC support for all of them ...

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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