I'm incredibly mortified.  I apologise for my ignorance.  Are all three
movements the same length?  Do they add up to 4'33 or is that the length of

This is a real challenge for a player program.  I presume that an authentic
computer performance must come up with some sort of opening noise and make
various beeps and burps as it opens various windows before each movement and
then more animated noises as it closes things down at the end.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Campin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] The (illegal) sounds of silence

>C:John Cage
>%Posted Aug 9th 1999 at abcusers by Laurie Griffiths in an attempt to
>%introduce some serious music to the list. Proofread by Phil Taylor

Wrong, all wrong.  Not only is it 4' 33", but a practical performance
would be a bit longer; there are three movements, with the usual
inter-movement things (tuning up, etc) between them.  You have to use
the P: construct or present it as three separate tunes.

I've only seen it performed once, by the Whistlebinkies during Cage's
visit to Glasgow in 1991.  They did all the usual hoisting fiddle onto
shoulders, tucking bagpipes in position and getting set with the bodhran
stuff.  If I remember right, they used a different placement of the
players round the hall for each movement.

It's about the right length to enter in a fiddle competition as a
march, strathspey and reel set.

=================== <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> ===================

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