| John Chambers wrote:
| > Toby writes:
| > |   On the positive side, I've been able to make a million dollars on the
| > | stock market, grow the length of my penis several inches, buy cheap real
| > | estate in South America, buy male growth hormone, help Nigerians in
| > | trouble, and meet single Russian women, all through the aid of spam.
| > | Ha..Ha..Ha.. :-)
| >
| > So have you enlarged your breasts, too?
|       I haven't received that particular spam message yet. My wife hasn't
| received that one yet either, they haven't changed since the last time I
| checked. However based on a message that landed in my inbox 15 minutes
| ago, I apparently am now on my way to earning a phD in 8 months. Cool! :-)

Last week, I was somewhat bemused to get a  penis-enlargement  and  a
breast-enlargement  ad  in  adjacent messages.  They weren't from the
same source, as far as I could tell; that would  have  made  it  even

Sometimes I do wish I could tell those folks who send  me  the  large
messages  in  Chinese  that  they're wasting cpu cycles.  But I don't
suppose they would understand my messages.  I have been  disappointed
that  they all seem to come from .tw machines.  I've run across a fun
suggestion for dealing with spam relayed through machines in mainland
China.  Some people have said that they like to send back messages to
the postmaster thanking him for his support  for  Falun  Gong.   This
seems to get people off lists really fast ...

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