Other than the files that come with abcm2ps, which explain the switches
you can add in the command line to alter formatting, I am not aware of a
tutorial per se.

Basically what abcm2ps - and all the related XXXXXXps programs - do is
use ghostscript to produce a postscript file (with suffix .ps) which
unless you have a postscript printer, will not be in a format your
printer can use. This is where gsview comes in - it enables you to
display the postscript file on the screen and print it to your standard
printer (or produce a pdf file, which is then readable with Adobe
Acrobat). If you do a search on the web, you'll find a number of places
where you can get hold of the ghostscript programs - they're open source
and free (though the very latest version has a splash screen which asks
you to register - though it works fine even if you don't!) One good
source is the Sourceforge website.

There are two other possibilities which come to mind. If you are typing
in the abc filename after abcm2ps, then it may be that the program is
working and you have a file called out.ps (which is the postscript
output) in the same directory as the program - it might be worth
looking. However, as explained above, you'll need gsview to actually
view or print from this file.

The other suggestion is to exit to dos mode (from the "Start" menu)
which will give you much more control - i.e. since you are now in
command line mode, you can simply type abcm2ps and get a list of the
command switches and what they do. You will also get a stream of
information as it is processing a file.

Hope this is helpful


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A. O.
Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Thanks for the response,Chris. I'm running Win98 so DOS is not a problem. I
>have operated in DOS on a limited level, but it seems like I'm stepping into
>a bunch of disconnected jargon when I try to get anywhere with this
>postscript stuff. I'm not sure how ghostview relates to the ABC program or
>howyou ensure that your printer is getting printable info, etc. Is there any
>place that has some basic tutorial that will allow this to make sense either
>specifically for the ABC2ps programs or something general that will be
>applicable. Also I had my brother, who has worked in DOS for 20 years or
>more, try to run this program and he coulsn't get it to open with either the
>exexcutable or a command line entry.
Chris Davidson
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