A. O. Gutierrez wrote:
Thanks all,
	I think I have enough info to go back in and figure it out. Will Acrbat
give a screen image of the file or simply tranlate to .pdf? I've been having
a hell of time downloading Ghostscript. GSview was pretty OK, but
Ghostscript keeps telling me it will take 2 days to download which is way
past inconvenient.
What's wrong with that? Don't you have any patience at all??? :-P
Seriously, you shouldn't believe everything your computer tells you. GhostScript is quite a download, but not *that* big!

	I ask about Acrobat because I already have that. If its just a matter
generating  files in abc2ps then opening them with Acrbat that might be
Acrobat can open plain postscript files, can't it? If so, you have no need for GhostScript.

The thing I've gotten used to with ABC2win is the ability to
switch between ABC and graphical out put to check what I'm doing. Is that
possible with the .ps arrangement?
Nope. That's the major shortcoming of this whole abc2ps scheme.

Frank Nordberg

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