> The excerpt you sent to the list contains spelling mistakes. I'd be very 
> grateful if you sent all parts to the list; I'd correct the Italian text
> and add an English translation.

I'm sorry about my quick typing.  here is a corrected version, with the
two verses we sing.  The score is adapted (simplified) for our choir,
using some notes from the tenor line when bass is too high.  Thus this
is not the true bass.  Also I have problems with the second sentence of
the second verse.  Number os syllables does not match well the score. 
You can hear it "live" at the web site of the Italian Alpine Army Corps
(hope i translate well from my French)
Click on the mp3 item at the bottom of the page.  

Guido, I'd be happy for a translation in English, and thanks for the


T:Signore delle cime - basse
K:G clef=bass octave=-1
G2 G G | F2 F3/2 F/2 | E E E E | B,2 B,2 | C2 D D |
w: Di-o del cie-lo, Si-gno-re del-le ci-me, un no stroa
w: San-ta Ma-ri-a, Si-gno-ra del-la ne-ve, co-pri col
G2 G F | A, A, A, A, | B,2 B,2 | E2 E E | A,2 A,2|
w: mi-co hai chie-stoal-la mon-ta-gna. Ma ti pre-ghia-mo,
w: bian-co, sol-li-ce man_tel-lo. Il nos-troa-mi-co
F2 F F | B,2 (B, B,) | G G E E | B,2 B,2 | C C D D | G2 G2 |
w: ma ti pre-ghia-mo:_ su nel pa-ra-di-so, su nel pa-ra-di-so
w: il nos-tro fra-tel-lo su nel pa-ra-di-so, su nel pa-ra-di-so
C2 C C | B,2 E2 | C C D D | D4 | (G,4 | G,2) z2 |
w: la-scia-loan-da-re per le tue mon-ta_-gne._
w: la-scia-loan-da-re per le tue mon-ta_-gne._

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