On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 11:51:29PM +0100, Jack Campin wrote:
> John Norvell wrote:
> > I've never heard of using ! in the middle of a line as a terminator
> > and think that we should deprecate that usage.
> Why?  Lots of abc2win users do it and as I've been arguing, a lot
> more people ought to, whatever the software they have.  If the ! is
> only used on the end of a line it adds no new expressive feature to
> the language.

Agreed. I'm not an abc2win user, and don't currently have access to the
"!" linebreak thing. I'd like to, it could improve readability a lot; but
if it only works at the end of a text line we might as well stick with a
text CR/LF linebreak. The only value to an explicit linebreak would be if
it could occur anywhere in a text line.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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