On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 11:54:25PM +0100, Phil Taylor wrote:
> Bryan Creer wrote:
> >Unfortunately, to really to solve compatability problems you need a
> >masochistic altruist who will go back and remove all the line-break !s
> >from all the
> >tune files created with abc2win over the last eight years or so which
> >might annoy
> >the people who chose to put them in.  (I'm not volunteering.)
> Yeah, that's the rub.  The thing to bear in mind is that we don't have to
> stay compatible with abc2win, since the people who use that program don't
> need the more advanced features which we are adding to the language.
> On the other hand, we do have to maintain some compatibility with abc2win's
> files, because they are priceless.  What we must avoid is adding something
> to the language which prevents new programs which conform to the newest
> standard from being capable of dealing with abc2win's files.

What programs are currently capable of reading abc2win output, as is ?
BarFly, I guess, since you're saying this. And, yes, it _is_ a point -
if it does have that capability I can see you'd be reluctant to cut your
users off from access to those files. But I also think it's a point that
can be made too much of. Maybe I'm getting bad-tempered about this; but,
I've never, not ever, been able to use abc2win files without having to
edit them by hand first. abc2win introduced constructs, out of the blue,
that the abc->ps family have never _been_ able to read. Some of them,
particularly the mid-line ! linebreak, I would actually like to have the
use of, as it turns out (and, I like abcm2ps's approach to mixed barline
thingies like :|: - what's written is what gets printed. Not always what
I want to see, but the basic idea seems right, clear, simple), if we
could reach agrrement such that they were generally available - but my
point here is that, to have a "standard" which makes it necessary to
fiddle about with abc2win files before being able to use them is not to
construct a new situation. It's where we've always been. Maybe it would
be necessary (maybe it would be an improvement) to tell a program
explicitly whether a user wanted to read abc2win or standard.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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