Bernard Hill wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Frank Nordberg

John Chambers wrote:

©: 1998 Joe Smith ...

But some people might have problems figuring out how to type this. On
many  linux  and  *BSD systems, you can get the copyright symbol with
the ALT-) (or ALT-SHIFT-0) combination, but I don't think  this  will
work on Windoze or Mac systems.

Why shouldn't it?

Frank Nordberg

Er, why *should* it?


Seems you're right. I was so sure the copyright symbol was a part of the ascii standard I didn't even bother to check. It's certainly a part of the Mac's standard character set! But iturns out it's not even included in the "official unoffical" extended ascii.
Seems ascii is even worse than I suspected!

Btw, here's a reference site that might be useful to some:

Only the first 127 are really safe for cross-platform purposes (or even between theoretically "identical" DOS/Win computers)
This is the original set that a bunch of dyslectic engineering school drop-outs came up with over their 6th round of beer at the local strip joint late one Saturday night, and eventually managed to foist onto the ASA (The Anti-Standards Association)

Frank Nordberg

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