I. Oppenheim wrote:

>Here in continental Europe, we have Euros, kilometers,
>liters, celsius, and 1/128th notes, and we do not
>understand anything more exotic than that...

Goodness, and they used to accuse us Brits of being

Anyway it's litres, as I'm sure your francophone neighbours
would agree.

Actually it's quite interesting that this group has always
used fractions to discuss note lengths, despite the fact
that at least half of the regular contributors are British.
Presumably that's because Chris Walshaw used this in
his original formulation of the abc standard.

There's also been a ding dong battle on this subject over
on uk.music.folk.  A new newsgroup has been proposed,
uk.music.notation, and the argument is over whether
quarter notes and the like will be permitted.  Personally,
I couldn't give a monkey's.

Phil Taylor

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