----- Original Message -----
From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] New standard(s)

> Bernard Hill writes:
> | In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | > But if you measure it in,  say,  attoparsecs,
> | > this  is  the  definition of a parsec (and of the atto- prefix)."
> |
> | Love it! 1 attoparsec is approx 3.1cm or 1.2" ... as everyone knows <g>
> One of  my  favorite  "weird  unit"  stories  was  from  an
> American astronomer who also liked to cook. He said that he
> liked to write out recipes using the cubic attoparsec as  a
> unit  of  volume.  It turns out that 1 aPc^3 is about 0.998
> fluid ounce, close enough that in  a  recipe  it  makes  no
> difference.  It takes no longer to write than "fl.oz.". And
> nobody outside the US has any idea what a fluid  ounce  is,
> while  parsec  is  a  standard unit that you'll find in any
> physical reference book.  So this makes his recipes  usable
> by anyone, not just Americans.
> OTOH, I've heard musicians of the British persuasion  refer
> to  minims and crotchets and semidemiquavers.  Not one in a
> thousand American musicians could tell you what those terms
> actually mean.
as well as allmost anyone elsewhere.
not to speak of hemisemidemiquavers


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