Bernard Hill writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >
| >If I had my druthers, I'd put a rule in  saying  that  beginnings  of
| >repeated  sections  *must*  be marked properly.  But of course that's
| >dreaming yet another impossible dream.
| Well in Music Publisher it refuses to play the music observing the
| repeats until you *have* put a |: in. (Excepting the first repeat of
| course). And I don't expect to remove that restriction.

What I've thought a player should do if any phrase after the first is
missing  its  initial repeat is to split into a "polyphonic" mode and
start playing simultaneously from the beginning and  just  after  the
last  end-repeat.  This would be an accurate rendition of how a group
of musicians would be expected to read such notation.

(Also known as "Hey, let's play it as a round!"  ;-)

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