* I think it would be wise to explicitely reserve the use of nonmentioned
letters E, Y lowercase letters.
Move ''exended information fields'' paragraph to front, just after the normal

* irregular compound meter: two ways of display
1) 3+2+2/8 displayed as is
2)   (3+2+2)/8 displayed as 7/8

*G: group; clarify (I still don't get its definition) or explicit allow any

*H:is (the only?) field that can contimue on the next line without
repeat of the H: ?

*K: field move all the mode stuff, pipers stuff etc. to an appendix.
allow mode=.... signature=.... and depricate previous use of
keysigs mode fields etc.

*w: to appendix

* Tune-fields: rename to "Use of fields within body", explicit note
which fields may be used in-tune.

* ~ I always thought that ~ is used for a prall-trill by default.
Hardly anybody will know what an Irish-roll is (is it eatable?)

*chordsymbols (rather than accompaniment chords).
Note that programs will regard anything written between
double quotes, notn starting with one of the special
characters  as a chord. (there quite a few chord notations
out there... being not compatible at all;
so leave it to the interpreteing program to do whatever
it sees fit best.)
That done, just discard any not agreed on examples
of chords ( C C# G7 Bbm Ebm7) would do IMO,
But as this will reraise previous discussions make a statement
like 'programs should treat chord symbols quite liberately'

* clefs:
Is "K: Am transpose=-2 " illegal where
"K: Am treble transpose=-2 " is not?
since "clefname" starts the specication
(I'd rather like to see clef=clefname than clef alone
there are not many abc tunes in the wild using
other clefs than treble yet so...
The K: syntax is complicated enough already)
Allow for more than ''the 7'' keys (clef=clefname will do so)
will ensure forward compatibility & easy parsing

state that all voices to be mentioned in the abc-body have to be declared in the
header when using the [V:ID] syntax, where each ID will be referenced over and

*special characters
Reserve some unicode encoding scheme for future enhancements
(forward compatibility) So characters like copyright signs, trademark
or whatever may be used in the (near) future:
proposal: \$<UnicodeSymbolName>;
Current (ABC2) implementations should just ignore it, replace with
some other sign or simply ignore it (but should parse the syntax)
for the time being and implement it in version 3 or so.
(please deprecate the archaic and insufficient octal seqences!!!)

*reserved characters
Try to make clear where/why which characters is reserved.
Even better: reserve characters in a specialized context.
- global
- within body
- within header
- within textstrings
- within w: and/or W: lines
reserved syntax would be a nice thing to have.
Knowing which generic syntax might be used in the future will render software
useable for a longer time.

The draft suggests that %%staves is likely to be moved to
a stylesheet. So a stylesheet gets firmly boud to a specific
abc-tune. I think that's a *bad* idea.
The way CSS-sheets are usually used is that multiple
HTML files reference the CSS for layout purposes.
The %%staves example does not fit in that way at all.
Fonts, papersizes, spacing do.
 %%text, %%vskip, %%newpage etc certainly do not.
Programs should provide a list of stylesheet defaults
(so the need arises for a complete current list of ABC2-directives)

*special characters:
why use = for a macron and/or stroke through
 - or _ is more logical

The oe ligature is missing (fine to me as there is
a readable workaround for it).
It would violate the rules to allow \oe but on the
other hand e-ring is not used anywhere (is it?)

z-circumflex is not available in latin-extended-A
(especially not as it typesetted here ;-)

My 2 (or 3) cents


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