
I suppose I could just learn postscript, and not continue to pester the group, but 
since I appear to be pushing abcm2ps beyond its abilities, I keep finding things that 
are a little off, or could use a tweak.

Recently (v3.7.3) you fixed a bug with regards to ties across repeats.  The same 
problem appears for the !8b(! notation (from  I have a piece that I'm 
working on which starts the !8b(! notation before a begin repeat, ends within the 
strain, and then starts up again before the end repeat of that strain, within the 1st 
ending.  The final '8va basso' notation continues indefinitely since it does not find 
a closing !8b)! mark.  It should stop at the end of the repeat, just like the tie 
does.  To me this seems a bit more complicated than the tie bug I reported, so let me 
know if it's even feasible.
Another thing I'd like to be able to do is to tweak the location of the '8va basso' 
notation so it's closer to the staff it references.  In this 2 voice piece, in one 
place the basso notation interferes with 2nd ending decoration for another voice.  
Also, when the 2nd voice is in basso, the notation is closer to the 1st voice of the 
next line of notation, making it difficult to see whether this is a basso notation for 
v2 or ottavo notation for v1 in the next line.

And, back to drum notation.

There's a decoration I'd like to create which indicates a flam in Swiss Basel style 
drum notation.  It is basically a little tick mark attached to the note head, so the 
note looks like a little apple or cherry (sorry, best thing I could come up with). I'd 
like to possibly just slightly modify the staccato notation to turn it into this 
little 'tick', but again, I have no postscript experience.  Feel generous enough to 
give me a bit o' code I can put in my abc?

Thanks so much, Jef, for all your help so far.
Believe me -- if what I'm working on ever gets printed, you will get a HUGE 
acknowledgement at the beginning of the book.

% -- draw octava indication
%%postscript /octava{   % usage: len x y octava
%%postscript    exch -9 add exch 2 copy
%%postscript    M 0 10 RM /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript    /Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show
%%postscript    M 0 6 RL currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript    [6] 0 setdash 30 add 0 RL currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript    [] 0 setdash 0 -6 RL stroke}!
%%postscript /octavab{  % usage: len x y octavab
%%postscript    exch -10 add exch 2 copy
%%postscript    M 0 -10 RM /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript    /Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va basso) show
%%postscript    10 add M 0 -6 RL currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript    [6] 0 setdash 30 add 0 RL stroke
%%postscript    [] 0 setdash}!
% -- start / stop of octava indication
%%deco 8( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco 8) 5 octava 24 0 0
%%deco 8b( 7 - 24 0 0
%%deco 8b) 7 octavab 24 0 0
T:Jonathan Blake (a medley)
%%staves (1 2)
E2|AcBc AcE2|z8|A^GAE FECA,|B,2B,2A,2 (3(ABc)|
x2|x8|x8|x8|x6 (3(A,B,C)|
%%staves [1 2]
P:Fisher's Hornpipe
dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FGAB cAcA|[1 d2d2d2 (3(ABc):|[2 d2d2d2 !8b(!cd|
ecAc ecge|fdAd fdgf|ecAc ecgf|edcB A2!8b)!GA|
BGDG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|BdcB AGFE|[1 D2D2D2 !8b(!cd:|[2 D2D2D2 z2|
|:!8b(!AFzc dGzB|DFzA GBAG|DFzG EGBe|dczB A2 (3(ABc)|
AFzc dGzB|DFzA GBAG|ABcd eazg|[1 f2A2d2 (3(ABc):|[2 F2A2!8b)!d2 z2|
GLB DLB,|DA FD|E2 A,2|[1 F,2 z2:|[2 F,2 z2|


Christopher Myers
aim: chrismyers001

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