On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13:46:29 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Chris,

>Recently (v3.7.3) you fixed a bug with regards to ties across repeats.
>The same problem appears for the !8b(! notation (from deco.abc).

It is not the same problem: with ties or slurs, you cannot set their end
on the bar. Here, you must stop explicitly the 8va line:
        ... !8b(!cd!8b)!:|[2 ...

>Another thing I'd like to be able to do is to tweak the location of the
>'8va basso' notation so it's closer to the staff it references.

You took the /octavab function from deco.abc, and there was a bug in
the vertical offset. Here is the function, updated for it works in your
case (no other decoration on the symbols):

%%postscript /octavab{  % usage: len x y octavab
%%postscript    exch -10 add exch 2 copy
%%postscript    M 0 2 RM /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript    /Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va basso) show
%%postscript    22 add M 0 -6 RL currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript    [6] 0 setdash 10 add 0 RL stroke
%%postscript    [] 0 setdash}!

>There's a decoration I'd like to create which indicates a flam in Swiss
>Basel style drum notation.  It is basically a little tick mark attached
>to the note head, so the note looks like a little apple or cherry

Here are 2 functions:

% -- tick mark for stems down
%%postscript /ticku{1.2 setlinewidth M 5 3.5 RM 0 5 RL stroke}!
%%deco tu 1 ticku 5 0 0
% -- tick mark for stems up
%%postscript /tickd{1.2 setlinewidth M 5 -3.5 RM 0 -5 RL stroke}!
%%deco td 1 tickd 5 0 0

Adjust the values if you are not happy with the result...

Ken ar c'hentañ |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
                |               http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef        |               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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