On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Jon Freeman wrote:

> the dissapearing backslash would be a real headache,

You mean that you have to type \\'a to get \'a ?
That would be a bug in the script that you use to
process the user input.

> plus the lyrics of the song still need to display as

It is quite simple to write a script that converts e.g.
\'a to á in case you would like to display the
ABC file as HTML.

> Before I made my suggestion, Dave had said he
> intended to use ALT-0224 style which appears to work
> with our abcmps/pdf output, ABCMUS and with HTML.
> There are doubts about how it would work with other
> programs or platforms.

This will only work reliably with ABC programs that
have implemented the charset feature from the draft
standard. Unfortunately, I don't think that this
feature has been implemented so far.

To make a long story short: currently the only way to
go is to use \'a style accented letters and to fix your
scripts so that they will deal with it correctly.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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