>> Certainly, A4 seems more-or-less standard in Britain. I have the
>> impression it is for (at least a lot of) Europe.
>I think either default is reasonable. Not that it's important, the question
>to me is did Guido change the default? I've only picked up binaries from
>there and have no recollection of attempting my own compilation.

        I admittedly haven't thought about this, but offhand, it seems to
me that it would be useful to identify country-dependendent parameters.
Clearly, paper size is one---A4 seems standard in Western Europe, letter
size in US and Canada (but what about former Eastern-block countries, and
what about Mexico and South and Central America?)  There are probably a
few other locality-dependent parameters (such as ABC versus do-re-me in
key sigs, and H as fermata vs. musical pun on Bach's name) which would be
worthwhile to identify--then they could be put front-and-center in the
parameter file with clear directions on how-to.

>Another question to me (at least from my biased UK view point) is why do the
>US have to be so akward? I'm sure life would much easier for all if they
>adopted the metric system, ISO stds for paper, etc.

        Oh, oh, oh...I love it!  But...you could also ask: why don't the
Pommies still use the English system?  (By the way, there's an amusing
history behind the fact that Canada uses the metric system, and America
uses the English system.)

John Walsh
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