On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 17:24, John L. Clark wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:49:47PM +0000, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > imho, we should drop wholly the gtk+ only build. However, I can
> > understand some people want to use gtk+ and no gnome in some situations.
> However much I doubt that this will happen, I have to definitely give
> this a -1 (for my vote).

Don't worry, this is not on a vote and I pretty much doubpt it would
ever happen any time soon.

>  At the /very least/ I rely on the gtk+ only
> builds, and I think there are a lot of people who don't want/need the
> additional gnome stuff.

I'd like to see some strong numbers here (not download statistics) since
all users I've witnesses trying both much rathered the gnome version :)
I also said that for some people, in some situations, gtk+ would be more
desireable than the gnome build :)

It would be interesting if someone made a qt/kde build (if you have to
ask, I rather gtk+/gnome, but I still think it would be an interesting

> It annoys me to no end that gnumeric has all
> that stuff built in, and the build procedure to get it out is highly
> nontrivial, if even possible with later versions.

go ask at gnumeric... but where does non trivial end?

I remember the times before autoconf was widely used... people survived.
then came autoconf, and install procedure became, usually, a three step
(rarely failing) process.

Now, people are usually so dumb then can't even type those commands, so
packaging helps a lot, now all they have to do is type one command.

NEVERTHELESS people still say it's non trivial to do rpm -ivh ...

Where will it end? telepathy pci card?

compilation should be easy because it will make life easyer on
developers, and not on end users. Let's concentrate on important stuff,
and leave the prepackaged binaries to end users, ok>?

If you can't even do ./configure --some-flags ; make ; make install,
then probably you should wait for the binaries.

gnumeric takes a lot of time to compile :) but that's another arugment.

> Out of curiousity, why would you be interested in scrapping the gtk+
> only build?

not an interest. it just seems to add little advantage.
The binaries aren't that muh different in size. The only advantages I
see are:
  * because it's possible
  * because someone takes the trouble of finding people who want gtk+
only builds have a good reason and we want to make them happy.

Note that when I build gtk+ rpms, I also make the gdkpixbuf plugin, so
if you have a gtk+ only envoronment, you can still install gdkpixbuf and
take advantage of that plugin on a gtk+ build, so don't complain to me

Hugs, rms

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Ghandi
+ So let's do it...?

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