Hello sir.

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation.
Well I have been doing the same thing. It isnt wworking. I managed to
exactly copy a page from the Hindu's website to ms word. But the
journals that I am looking at...strangely enough...its not happening.
Pulling down the edit menu, typing A for the select all command...this
is what I did but the thing is not getting selected.
Now does i.e. have different standards for different pages or what.
I'm clueless.
Using another brouzer can be tried as an option. But with all that was
said about virtualization, do you still think it'll make any

Message: 11
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:34:13 +0530
From: "Syed Imran" <

Subject: Re: [AI] page breaks and jaws.
To: <

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Hello Moiz and my dear list members,

This is a lengthy E-mail. I like to share my technique of copying any data
from web pages in its original  format including tables and hyperlinks. I
assure you that if you perform these operations correctly, you can copy the
exact data appearing  on the screen. I further make myself clear to you that
the copied data will be free from line-breaks and page-breaks. So I hope you
don't mind spending some of your time with me to read this mail carefully.
Before telling you how to copy, I want to make you aware of a curious
technology which Freedomscientific is using in order to make web documents
accessible by using something called "Virtual PC cursor". The virtual PC
cursor performs the function of copying and differentiating headings, links,
formfields, and other such elements on a web page. This is called
"Virtualising". Virtualising includes finding out the different elements on
a web page, layout of tables, etc and making these elements appear in a
seperate line. The text we read using jaws in a web page is not what a
sighted person reads on the screen. Let me make it easy to understand by an
I have given a paragraph in 2 different illustrations as to show how exactly
a paragraph with links might appear on the screen and how Jaws reads for us.
I think it is necessary for us to know how virtual viewer works, to
understand why line breaks appear when we copy any data from Internet

I) Illustration 1 How does a web page appear on the screen? (not

The process of pickling fruits and vegetables:

Some LINK fruits and LINK vegetables preserved by pickling. The
fruit/vegetable washed and dried. Then it is cut into pieces and enough salt
is added. These pieces are kept in the sun. LINK Oil and LINK spices are
added. The pickle
are stored in a LINK dry jar with a tight lid. A dry spoon is used to stir
and take the pickle from the jar. The pickle will spoil if a wet spoon is

In this illustration, you can observe jaws saying "Link" in the middle of
the line. I think this is how a "link" element appears on the screen.
But whenever Jaws encounters any links in a web page, it breaks the line to
present them in a separate line as to make more accessible and also to an
extent, save the time of the readers. Let me try to give an idea about the
same in the 2nd illustration:
ii) Illustration 2 How does Jaws virtualise the content? (virtualised)

The process of pickling fruits and vegetables:

LINK      fruits and
LINK      vegetables
preserved by pickling. The fruit/vegetable washed and dried. Then it is cut
into pieces and enough salt
is added. These pieces are kept in the sun.
LINK          Oil
LINK         spices are added. The pickle are stored in a
Link      dry jar
with a tight lid. A dry spoon is used to stir and take the pickle from the
jar. The pickle will spoil if a wet spoon is used.


So this is how Jaws arranges the data in the web page after virtualising.
However, when you copy this text to Microsoft Word, you will observe the
text broken something like this:

fruits and
Instead of:
Some fruits and vegetables
We can surely remove the line breaks by pressing CTRL+downarrow and then
back space followed by space bar as Vetry said, but it takes lot of time.
Especially the lengthy documents. So when you want to copy anything from
internet explorer, don't use selecting keys like Shift+downarrow, or ctrl+A
to select the text. follow these simple steps exactly to copy the exact
information without line or page breaks.

1. Open the web page from which you want to copy

2. Press Alt+E to pull down edit menu.

3. Choose "Select all," by pressing A.
We can't press CTRL+A directly instead of pulling down edit menu because
Jaws will select from its virtual buffer. And I think Moiz, this could be
the cause of your problem.

4. Again pull down the edit menu (Alt E) and choose copy by pressing C.
Now what actually happens is that when you select all and copy from the edit
menu, the data gets directly copied from Internet explorer and not from Jaws
virtual buffer.

5. Open Microsoft word with a new document.

6. Paste whatever is copied from internet.
This will paste the entire web page in your new documents including
pictures, tables, links etc.

7. Keep whatever you want and delete unnecessary stuff.

Some tips:

1. If you don't want pictures, tables and  links, then paste it in notepad
and then copy it to Microsoft word

2. However if you want tables, then paste it in wordpad and  after selecting
the pasted text, copy it to Microsoft word.

3. If you suspect that there are hyperlinks still in the edited document,
press CTRL+A and press CTRL+SHIFT+F9 to clear the hyperlink attribute from
the entire document.

I am still searching for some easier way to copy from web pages and will be
thankful  if anyone could help in this regard.

For your success

Syed Imran


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