Somaraju Abhinav <> writes:

> Hi Mike,
> the signature size of RSA is an issue even in the 1024 bit version. The main
> wireless protocol, 802.15.4 has a PHY/MAC packet size of 127 bytes so we will
> have to fragment IP packets (Bluetooth LE is even smaller at just 27
> bytes). This makes it very difficult to meet the time to light requirements.
> This is also a concern for the 70-80 byte overhead of ECC but we can probably
> just about manage.

Is the concern the computation or the transmission time?  Even if you
have to fragment packets I would expect transmission time to be well
fast enough that computation is the major issue?

> Abhinav

       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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