On 2/8/2017 8:19 AM, Mohit Sethi wrote:
Hi Mike

At least with our measurements on an 8-bit microprocessor platform, 1024-bit RSA exponentiation was extremely slow. Please have a look at Table 1:


I look at Table 1 the first thing I see is that you're using the wrong abbreviation for time - (ms is milli second), what you want is micro seconds or (us). Or are you actually trying to claim that a 1024 bit operation takes 199 seconds? Or all of 3+ minutes? Or are you using an abacus and a monkey to do the math?

(And by the way - using "3" as the RSA exponent is just wrong).

Table 1 doesn't actually indicate whether this is a signing operation or a verification operation, or whether or not the summary function (SHA1 or SHA256) is included.

If Table 2 and table 3 have the same mistakes in time abbreviation (and I'm not sure why they wouldn't), you're saying that you can do an ECDSA function in 2-6 milliseconds. Which more than meets the requirements.

Also, a lot of research in the crypto community is now on faster and more efficient elliptic curves. For example, the Crypto Forum Research group at the IRTF is currently working on Edwards curve:

Aware of this along with Curve25519 and its ilk. Most important thing would be to get the numbers for an ARM M0 or other tiny processor for these.

Hope this helps the discussion.


On 02/08/2017 04:55 AM, Michael StJohns wrote:
Hi -

This is sort of non-obvious, but one or two articles I read suggest that RSA 1024 performance may be better than the ECDSA equivalent.

The tradeoff here is obviously the size of the signature and the transmission thereof, but...

While 1024 bits isn't an ideal security strength for RSA, using any asymmetric key system for source authentication in group systems is going to be much better than trying to pretend that symmetric group key systems have any authentication properties at all.

I saw a PPT presentation by Hannes that didn't include any RSA performance numbers for the ARM processors even though the key sizes were compared. My guess is that someone has numbers for 1024 RSA signatures on the tiny ARM processors that might be useful to throw into the mix.

https://www.cryptopp.com/benchmarks.html has comparison values for a specific library.

What I'm suggesting is that we figure out how to meet the "can't cost anything" requirement with weaker asymmetric keys rather than accepting a low end fantasy of symmetric key multicast authentication.


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