There is nothing in IP that makes solving this problem particularly hard, so I 
have no idea where this argument is coming from. Meeting your favorite security 
objective is hard in the systems we are talking about. Where the system does 
not actually have this security objective, we can go ahead with an appropriate 
solution. Let's stop arguing about whether everybody has to have this security 
objective; there cannot be any progress in that discussion. But in any case, IP 
is not the problem, and it is positively weird to see this argument in 2017. 

Sent from mobile

> On 8 Feb 2017, at 11:51, Michael StJohns <> wrote:
> Look - IP protocol is a pretty big hammer and there's this tendency to try 
> and make everything look like a nail.  But some things are not nails and can 
> never be made to be nails. 
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