On Wednesday 28 March 2012, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> The general rule should be to not use Apply buttons, and for dialogs,
> dismiss them when clicked outside. (This is btw also how the Harmattan
> components work, and I think it leads to smooth workflows.) Note that
> dismissing the dialog means that settings are *not* applied / changed, so
> in some cases, we'll still need Apply/Save/OK/whatever.
> Does this make sense?

and in general,instant can be guaranteed when there is a direct manipulation 
of the thing you want to configure, may be resizing or closing something.. 
we should in general prefer this kind of direct interaction when possible, and 
a dialog (so indirect, kinda a remote control) only when needed. in this case 
what you are changing may or may not be immediately applied, sometimes for 
technical reasons (like too heavy to apply) or for workflow reasons (difficult 
to manually revert)

Marco Martin
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