Am 28.03.2012 17:27, schrieb Ivan Čukić:
instant apply is really not a possibility here for technical reasons. we
can get rid of the Close button though by making an outside tap close
and cancel the dialog.
Okay okay, so no instant apply. But can we still open the password setting
dialog directly after switching (without doing the actual encryption/moving
of resources yet)? This would imo still be better than setting it after
closing the main dialog (for various reasons stated earlier).
no, the two things are an atomic transaction, because is completely done by
another process, the plasma shell process doesn't have any kind of control
over it for security reasons (that's also the reason it's another separated
Is it really necessary to have the same issues discussed this many times?

We definitely need some place where UX people like Fanya and Thomas
(and others) would write one sentence per issue and we would write why
it can not be like that. Techbase?

Sorry, but that comment just made me laugh: "we would write why it can not be like that"; that shouldnt be the focus in a multi-disciplinary team, that designers propose something and the techies just say "no, not working". And to remember the start of the whole discussion is that there was a request for a redesign of the current window because of smaller screensizes. In my eyes we had already a good working solution, design-wise and implementation-wise. Now there comes in a new requirement, the smaller screensize, and we need to find another good solution. I agree that for new UI Design ideas it would be good to have more insights of the technical feasability. But thats what the ML is for, I thought. And yes I agree for this specific topic, that some of us already had those discussions before, and the results havent been spread in the ML. I guess thats the missing point here. So we should improve that: why specific design decisions have been taken and what technical backgrounds led to this decision. That would have saved us nearly the whole thread :)
So please be kind to us aliens, also known as designers.

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