> we would write why it can not be like that.

the key word being 'why' - reason for not implementing something,
since we are devels, the reason usually is technical. I know, I need
to be less zen and more verbose sometimes :)

> Whenever UX people write something, the developers
> always say that (and why) it can not be like that.

Heh, no :) I meant only for the issues that were talked about and not
fixed. I didn't mean for you guys to put a lot of stuff in a list
which automatically gets a 'no, won't do' for each of the items.

So, the idea was - if some issue has been raised, and there was a
reason for not fixing it as proposed by UX ppl or users (and usually
explained on ml), that particular issue is added to the list with the
explanation of why it wasn't done that way. (including /planned to be
done later/)

> Sure. We just want our ideas to be seriously considered and the feasibility be
> seriously evaluated before they are possibly rejected due to infeasibility,


> +1 It makes sense in general to post summaries of agreements that
> were reached via "private" communication to the mailing list so that
> everyone who is on the list is informed.

+10 and a half

> The situation of tight cooperation between designers and developers in Plasma
> Active as a community project is a very good thing and it is why I like the
> project so much, but it's new to us and probably new to most or all of you as
> well. Therefore it's a learning experience for all of us and sometimes it
> doesn't hurt to remind each other that we're all in this together.
> So, no offense, keep up the good work and let's all be friends :)

I get your point, have had the chance to be on the other side as well.
The additional problem with design stuff is that there is often no
right way of doing something. Not an exact science. This is why I like
the current Plasma team setup - for most things we discuss the issues
so that we can agree upon something that best fits us all.


While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
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