Not to be misunderstood, this was not intended as an attack on anyone,
just a suggestion how we can improve ourselves - these things happen
every so often.

> with Fania, but as soon as a discussion is made public on the mailing list,
> everybody involved knows what's going on.

'Everybody knows' is not something that the history has proven
correct. A lot of mails - things get overlooked, forgotten etc. People
get included into the project late, so they don't (understandably)
read the archives and similar.

> What would imo indeed ideally be put on Techbase for everyone to see are the
> technical explanations, like the one Marco gave in this thread. That way
> when a discussion about something comes up or someone just has a question,
> someone can just point to the Techbase page and at least the explanation
> does not need to be repeated.

Well, that's what I thought but also with a list of questions like these.



While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
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