Robbie also says you should cut me a government check for $3.2 billion and I
should email you a copy of adfind and admod. You can list them as a hammer
and a screwdriver or a WoMD detector or something. 

If I had that kind of money to play with can you imagine the joeware that
would be available? OMG!

I would have to hire more coders. I would treat it like school, or at least
the school I went through. If you write something bad you sit in a classroom
with everyone watching the screen and the teacher says, and this is an
example of what Mr. Richards thinks is good code as he puts in 5000
characters into a buffer according to the specs needed to be 256 characters
and it slowly self-destructs the machine.... Mr. Richards, when I say in the
spec the buffer should be 256 bytes, that doesn't mean make the buffer 256
bytes and leave it at that. I expect you to actually make sure no one puts
more than 256 bytes in it! Actually, I wish more college professors had
taught that way. We also had fun times around integer overflows and other
fun and interesting coding flaws like why M and m really aren't the same
even though we don't pronounce them differently, etc. 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Myrick, Todd
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:18 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] The missing fields

"Buy-guy" is Robbie Allen's label for me.

No, no kick back (Although they are a Maryland company), just think it is a
really effective tool for bulk administration.  I tend to be scripting /
LDIF challenged early in the AM, and late at night (Who am I kidding, I am
just scripting challenged). I have been able to automate so much work these
past two weeks using this tool, so I offer it as a possible solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] The missing fields

A buy guy??

I would be happy to sell you a copy of adfind and admod if that is the only
thing holding you back. How much you want to spend on them?

In the meanwhile, you getting a kickback from Javelina? That has got to be
the 4 post or so in a week where you have dropped that name. :)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Myrick, Todd
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] The missing fields

For a cost conscious and hands on types, Joe's tools and Robbie Allen's
scripts are the best value.  I am a "Buy-Guy" though, and for bulk
administration, and delegation of bulk administration to those that are not
that AD Savvy, I like AD Toolkit

AD Toolkit offers the ability to generate quick reports, and also does a
good job of identifying every field that you can populate and query on.  A
lot of times, you will have to find documentation on the fields on MSDN to
know which ones to query on.  Reports can be converted to spreadsheets or
emailed to you, and there is a scheduling option as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] The missing fields

You aren't missing anything. Extending ADUC to display new fields it doesn't
already display is generally not trivial. Unless you are a programmer, it is
often considered out of reach.

The most quick and dirty solution is to write a script to do the update.
After that would be using a web interface of some sort or something like

If you are a programmer, you can fairly quickly throw together a form
display what you want displayed the way you want it displayed and even
include business logic in what gets set and how which can be specific to
your company, division, group, team, etc... Just don't forget that those
business rules are in your client and not in the server so don't expect them
to always be correct as someone could use another method to update the


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Clark
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] The missing fields

There are a number of useful fields in AD Room number, License Plate etc
that are not presented in ADUC, the recommendation is to fill them in
programmatically. I have been asked to delegate the power to edit these
fields to a phone book operator, who really wants a simply interface like
users and computers.
The search function can be harnessed with a QDS file query and rundll32
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsquery.dll,OpenSavedDsQuery %1 which allows the user to
edit given the right privs most of the data but some of it e.g.
room number is still beyond my reach.
Its such a simple thing that I know I'm missing something obvious but some
help would be appreciated. What approaches are other people using if any or
do we not use these "hidden" unless its with dsmod?

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