> If anyone knows how to query a password against complexity requirements,
> I'd like to know how.  

When it comes to string validation the answer is almost always "Regular
Expressions". The vbscript example below tests arbitrary string for
compliance with "Password must meet security requirements" policy in
Windows. (watch for line wraps)


Option Explicit
Dim arrReq1(0),arrReq2(3),iReq,sErr,sArg,iNum,i

'Mandatory Requirement
arrReq1(0) = ".{8,128}"          ' length is 8 to 128 chars

'Group Requirements
iReq = 3                         ' Must meet this number
                                 ' of requirements below
arrReq2(0) = "(?=.*[a-z])"       ' contains lower letter
arrReq2(1) = "(?=.*[A-Z])"       ' contains upper letter
arrReq2(2) = "(?=.*\d)"          ' contains digit
arrReq2(3) = "(?=.*[^a-zA-Z\d])" ' contains non-alphanumeric

sErr = "Password does not meet security requirements"
iNum = 0

'String being tested against req's
'sArg = "passwor"
'sArg = "password"
'sArg = "Password"
'sArg = "P4ssword" 
sArg = "P4s$word"

If not ArgVrf(sArg,arrReq1(0)) Then
        WScript.Echo sErr
        WScript.Quit 1
End If
For i = LBound(arrReq2) to UBound(arrReq2)
        If ArgVrf(sArg,arrReq2(i)) Then iNum = iNum+1
If iNum<iReq Then
        WScript.Echo sErr
        WScript.Quit 1  
End If
WScript.Echo "Test passed"

Function ArgVrf(arg,pattern)
    Dim objRegExp
    Set objRegExp = New RegExp
    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = false
    objRegExp.Pattern = pattern
    ArgVrf = objRegExp.Test(arg)
    Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function 



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