Just a disclaimer : this is not an attack on you personally or a statement the 
the MyFaces Project
is broken, just like to prevent that it becomes broken :)

Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> I'm in favor of MyFaces for Trinidad.   I would like to see Trinidad
> as the basis for Tomahawk JSF 1.2.

So in this sense you are saying that we just incubated Tomahawk for JSF 1.2 ?

When Trinidad becomes TLP it is for them to decide if they want that to happen 
(based on your
proposal), if they go to the MyFaces TLP, it is not just their call.
Which in the end (you gave an example of that) will end up in not a decision 
being made at all.

If you think the Tomahawk developers / community have more in common than with 
the MyFaces
developers, you should probably join Trinidad ;). Not the other way around..

> However, if there is no interest in merging Tomahawk and Trinidad,
> then going with a TLP would be better.

Even if there is interest, a TLP would not prevent a merge of the two, unless 
Trinidad doesn't want
to or the MyFaces PMC doesn't want to. If all Tomahawk developers would like to 
merge with Trinidad
and Trinidad wants to and the MyFaces PMC doesn't, there are other issues :)

> Right now, Tobago is in the state you described below -- You're either
> using Tobago (and no other component set), or you're using Tomahawk
> and other component sets.   It's next to impossible to have oversight
> over both projects since Tobago is mutually-exclusive of other
> component sets.   At one point, the Tobago people were interested in
> making Tobago more compatible with Tomahawk and other component sets,
> but discussion on how that would happen ever materialized beyond my
> initial questions.

This is something that needs to be solved at MyFaces. If you wait too long, it 
cannot be fixed
anymore (eg no one left to care about Tobago).


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