So, are the next steps to do a vote here, to graduate and being a
subproject of the MyFaces project ?

After that I think the MyFaces PMC needs to vote on accepting Trinidad
as a subproject

Last step is, letting Incubator PMC vote on approve the graduation.

Right ?

If yes, I'll start the vote here on graduation.


On 4/9/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the other hand, if Trinidad wants to be a (Dare I say "The"?)
> general purpose component set, then MyFaces community acceptance is
> probably a good target to hit.   That's going to happen better as part
> of the MyFaces community rather than as an independent TLP.  The
> ad-hoc approach taken thus far for Tomahawk leaves something to be
> desired in my opinion, so there's an opportunity available.

that's my personal feeling, we (Trinidad) should go. I've the feeling,
that a subproject is the best choice.

> What I said was that the developers of Tomahawk have expressed an
> interest in using Trinidad technology for Tomahawk for JSF 1.2.
> Tomahawk is a loose collection of generic components with very little
> tying the various components together.  Some components are strong,
> and others are weak.   Each was authored without much thought to how
> it fits in with the others, or how to provide for common
> functionality.  That was not the case with Trinidad.
> Trinidad provides infrastructure for building components that Tomahawk
> does not.    Just as the proposed RCF project uses Trinidad, Tomahawk
> could be made to use Trinidad.

+1 that was the main point in the related discussion on the myfaces dev list.

> It could very well be that the best solution for Tomahawk for JSF 1.2
> is to start with Trinidad and integrate into it those worthwhile
> pieces of Tomahawk for JSF 1.1.   That's one way Tomahawk 2
> developement could go, but it's certainly not the only way.  It's a
> way that I personally favor, but I am only one of the MyFaces PMC
> members.

I am in your boat, Mike.

> Trinidad isn't fundementally incompatible with Tomahawk -- if there
> are areas where the two don't work well together,  there's no reason
> to think that these cannot be resolved..   Furthermore, developers on
> both projects have expressed strong interest in resolving any problem
> areas.

also a tomahawk2, based on Trinidad could close the gab....
(not really a big gab there)

> point  :-)   When I suggest that Trinidad will benefit by being part
> of the greater MyFaces community, that's really what I mean :-)  I
> think the converse is also true.


> If it's a matter of one project merging into the other, however, I
> think it probably makes more sense for Trinidad to join MyFaces and
> not MyFaces to join Trinidad :-)


> Well, we're not schizophrenic at MyFaces yet, so we're still "other
> issue" free :-)   It's true that a TLP won't make any technical
> difference.    However, trying to join two communities is harder than
> splitting an existing community.

I'd like to see Trinidad as a súbproject of Apache MyFaces.


Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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