1) with toolkits, we may pay the price of losing core mod_perl 
features. The users will then get a tool that is not 
apprently richer than PHP in functions.

2) TT or HTML::Templates are good in seperating HTML
from program. But for Mason and ASP, we still need to put
program with the HTML in one file.

As a conclusion, while toolkits are good and make
mod_perl easier to program, they also make mod_perl more
similar to PHP and so be less attrative.

> 4) avoid toolkits but diretly go to XHTML.

What are these toolkits you're talking about?  Things like Mason,
Apache::ASP, and Template Toolkit?  I wouldn't want to tell people not
to use templates.  These things provide ease of use, which really
matters to some.

- Perrin

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