allan juul wrote:
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 16:35 -0500, Stas Bekman wrote:

> * faq
> this is such a web thing for both developers and project managers and
> directors. couldn't we write a perl program that scans the total mail on
> the mailing list extract the 50 most used words. seriously, it would be
> great to have someone to write a faq - someone with the time to do it.

The documentation that exists now mostly started as a FAQ that Stas kept adding to. I'm not sure it's possible to address all of mod_perl in a FAQ format. It would either be redundant, or just a set of links to the other docs. Maybe I'm just too close to the material though. If someone else has an idea for how to do a useful FAQ, show us.

ok, i didn't know the mod_perl doc history. i guess a faq always is redundant (perhaps it even _should_ be).

perl itself has one of course [1]
oh, and apache too [2]

what i had in mind was a very very quick faq of perhaps 10 questions, perhaps only 5 or 2. the important thing is that it is concise and only updated when really needed (ie when people post the same question over and over again - which btw is also a sort of redundancy ;) )
so let us just start with questions that _really_ are mod_perl faq's. here's one that spring to mind

But we have exactly that already:

1) when i start my browser and go to [URL] the very first time i get one result but subsequent refreshes output different results. why is that ?


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