allan juul wrote:
Quoting Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

the FAQ should then reply in two sentences or less: "the reason for that behaviour is this blah blah ... click here to read more URL/TO/GUIDE"

-1, it's already hard to maintain the vast amount of information. Trying to keep in sync yet another layer of indirection is an overkill. Instead an effort should be put at improving the existing information. And the search engine should be useful at finding it.

i can see it's another layer but it is perhaps also fewer mails in your inbox :)
isn't it very normal for the people who ask questions to go to a FAQ just before they send their question ?

Most of the things in the docs, at least mod_perl 1.0 guide are FAQ. It was originally written based on frequently asked questions on the list.

about searching. i also like the FAQ to be in the downloadble pdf - there's no quality search engine in my pdf reader. im sitting in the train having printed the whole documentaion and ask myself "does apache require a restart if i'm doing a change in this bit of code".

If you agree that the docs are already a FAQ, you have the pdf version of all docs.

also the very fact that you bring up the "search" step, cries for FAQ. a user have to type a searchword, enter submit, and read through 70 Results for [cache] for example.

Allan, may I suggest that may be you don't realize how much information there is in our docs and how hard it's going to be to decide what should be in the FAQ and what not?

If you really want to help with docs, the best thing you can do now is start porting mod_perl 1 docs to mod_perl 2 docs, since that's the biggest hole now. mod_perl 1 is going to phase out, and 99.9% of the questions in the next year are going to be about mp2. We can't write a FAQ for that since things are still not there. But filling the gaps in the normal docs is what's the most important thing at the moment, if you ask me.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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