Parrot is the universal back-end, I see. Consider me enlightened.
(Typical lightweight programmer here)

My HURD comparison was solely on the dedication of the individuals involved,
rather than the readiness for widespread adoption. RMS et al have been
forthright on that score, it's for hackers and would-be hackers right now.

PS. the emotional outburst I was referring to was not any posting of
but my (perhaps wrong) perception of high emotion in another posting.
No biggie.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shlomi Fish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 October 2004 20:07
Subject: Re: Critique of Where Perl 6 is Heading

On Monday 18 October 2004 19:28, Pressio Main Email wrote:
> Hi all,

> So why would I buy in Perl given that I was forced to use PHP to get
> started? Because my (possibly wrong) impression of Perl6 from Larrys'
> summary is that it is not just Turbo Perl5, but introduces design
> abstraction that effectively allow any language to be used on the front
> end. That's amazing.
> It means that a standard LAMP box in any large web hosting company should
> have as standard the Perl6 back-end, then optional plug-ins for the
> language of choice. So perls guru's like you lot can find the next prime
> with three punctuation marks, and evening/weekend coders like me can gimp
> our way to eye-candy web pages with a 1MB 'script'. (exit; why's apache
> mod_perl gone?)

You are confusing Perl 6 and Parrot. Parrot is the future virtual machine
aims to run Perl 5, Perl 6, Python and many other languages. Perl 6 is a new
language that aims to be a better Perl than Perl 5.

In my article, I did not criticize Parrot, but rather Perl 6.

> (I think a standard reference lamp box complete with a collection of
> typical secure apps in long form syntax would go a long way to propogating
> Perl, both making it easier for hosting companies to offer it and for
> individuals like myself to set one up and start building the next amazon
> craigslist.)
> In a way the Perl6 enterprise reminds me of the work on the Hurd over at
> the GNU project. A colossal  advance by dedicated individuals working for
> the betterment of all mankind, and it it is totally laudable. I also
> believe both will succeed, because every step of the way what I'm seeing
> that the individuals involved have not chosen their paths lightly, and
> won't give up, ever.

GNU Hurd? Hurd is an operating system kernel whose development started
the Linux kernel, and still continues to this day. Plenty of people have
worked on it, but it is still not ready for prime time. It's unstable,
dog-slow, and supports very little hardware. Granted, it has some
design concepts, but is not something I'd prefer to use over Linux or the
BSDs or whatever, and won't be for a forseeable future.

Now, did you compare Hurd to Parrot or to Perl 6?

> I'm a bit concerned that the meritocracy is still causing friction though,
> and ruffled feathers of Perl5 porters still a possibility ("he had to
> that up"). As a person who was once in Mensa (and left on principle
> they wouldn't open membership to the other 98% of humankind), I am a great
> fan of Forest Gump. It's preferable to be a good person and to genuinely
> like yourself and be likeable, than to be smart but hurting others and
> being disliked, any day.
> The danger of a powerful mind is that it can be a puppet of the ID. That
> said, emotional outbursts are natural, and probably good for you, so long
> as they are ultimately followed up by the ethical and diplomatic
> reflections of the frontal lobes. That's my two-cent.

What are you implying? I started working on this article a few years ago,
has stood by it all this time. This is the latest incarnation of it. It was
not an emotional ourburst.


        Shlomi Fish


Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Knuth is not God! It took him two days to build the Roman Empire.

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