In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shlomi Fish

> > I don't see any 
> > reason it needs to be open to all subscribers, either, especially if
> > you are going to lie like you do in this post.

>  So if you want to have a good rule of thumb for 
> tactfullness, it is to never accuse a fellow FOSS contributor of "lying". 
> Always take a minute to paraphrase your sentence more diplomatically

I thought for a minute, decided that I think you are lying, and said
so. I don't care if you feed starving orphans, save the planet from
asteroids, or contribute to open source. When you deliberately tell
falsehoods to further your personal agenda, I'm going to call you a

I stand by my statement, having demostrated that your claims are false.

If you want to make a better site, go do it. Nobody is stopping you.

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