Hi all!

I'd like to start the long task of updating 
http://history.perl.org/PerlTimeline.html which has been stopped at 2002. 
What I'm planning to do is:

1. Make the document validate:


2. Convert to XHTML 1.1.

3. Add more links and news items (that would be the hardest part) in the 
following years. Also prune some dead links.

Note that I have some affiliations. I'll fork the document to a temporary 
location (with a note). The copyright reads:

The Timeline of Perl and its Culture ©1999-2001 Elaine Ashton. Permission is 
granted for use of this document in whole or in part for non-commercial 
purposes. For commercial uses, please contact the author first. Links to this 
document are welcome after e-mailing the author with the document URL where 
the link will appear.

I don't know if it can be modified while retaining the same licence (I've CCed  
her to ask her just in case.) If the HTML is generated from something else, 
it would be useful to know that now, but it doesn't seem that this is the 
case for it. Perhaps Elaine would like to specify a Creative Commons licence 
for it.

Anyway, if you can think of any events that should be added, please email me 
in private.

Best Regards and thanks in advance,

        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Best Introductory Programming Language - http://xrl.us/bjn84

The bad thing about hardware is that it sometimes work and sometimes doesn't.
The good thing about software is that it's consistent: it always does not
work, and it always does not work in exactly the same way.

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