On 26 Apr, 2008, at 22:20, Andy Lester wrote:

Sounds like it's time to start a new history wiki page and go forward from there.

You know, my toddler has more social skills than you as although she thinks everything is hers, she can be placated with a snack and/or a nap and, in fact, I told the person who forwarded the message that I was mostly pissed that nobody had come forward after all these years and that the only two people I'd say no first to would be you and Shlomi only because you are both so abrasive and so lacking in any tact that I wouldn't welcome the offer with glee.

Not sure why you're pissed at me, other than reflex.

I'm stating the obvious and my opinion. Both of you are terrific at stirring the shit and then letting it fall to the winds. I'd have a lot more interest if either of you had anything but ideas because someone who wasn't talking out their ass would have not only a lot more interesting comments but would have both a lot more respect for the document and a lot more reluctance towards the amount of work it will require.

I'll even tell a story about such a thing. A long time ago, in a perl land far, far away, there was a vague cloud of stuff known as CPAN long before such things as search engines and it had an absolutely terrible "FAQ". I asked the grumpy bastard who would one day become my husband if I could update it and he told me to piss off. It made me mad and I sent the grumpy bastard a real HTML FAQ with expanded content that included such information as to how that dark pit actually worked. I think my reward for the effort was being asked to answer all the dumbass questions in email while he went on an 8 week holiday. Point being is that unless you have some real work to show or are so easily rebuffed then you really aren't worth the bother.

I just figure it would be easier all around to move forward with a new document, or set of documents, rather than battle over the existing one.

There is no battle. The document is mine. I spent most of a year building it and, as I said, while I've been waiting for someone to come and have some enthusiasm for it, you and Shlomi are not the kind of folks I was hoping for as I want someone who will do something instead of throwing onto some damn wiki and hoping someone else will do the work for you.


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