
We evaluated about 8 routers a couple years ago wanting a solid managed
wifi offering. Calix GigaCenter 844E and SmartRG  SR400AC were standouts
from the rest of the lot which included cambium, ready net, ignitenet and a
few consumer routers for comparison. Between the two the 844E had slightly
higher 5ghz speeds but the 2.4 range was better on SmartRG.

Ultimately we decided smartrg was a better fit for us from how they priced
the management platform and also the Calix required a DHCP option to set a
provisioning URL which our powercode BMU was unable to provide. So that
broke the zero touch config. SmartRG routers phone home to a redirect
server and they maintain a list if what MACs were sold to who so your units
end up in your device manager system without any input from your network.
Works great.

Overall we are happy with them. The Smartrg "home analytics" is TR161 based
where it logs wifi signal and usage info from each device in the home. The
Calix solution was more of a traffic analysis system to sort usage by
application. I am not sure if it ties that to a device or not. Essentially
when the customer calls up asking why was Netflix buffering last night,
SmartRG gives you the info to say, dads laptop with a poor wifi signal was
doing some kind of large transfer and hogging all the Wifi airtime, while
calix gives you the answer, some device was doing a windows update and
hogging all the bandwidth. At least that was my take on it 2 years ago.

I've also found the SmartRG people more accessible to work with. Calix had
a serious superiority complex attitude problem. That extended to their
pricing. Actually the 844E was very competitive but anything with GPON in
it they priced as if it were solid gold. It's like they do not realize GPON
is 15? Years old technology and should be a commodity priced thing like
gigabit ethernet switches. Calix GPON doesnt work any faster than my cheap
chinese GPON stuff although there are some bells and whistles you don't get
with ZTE. However my customers dont pay me extra for the GPON shelf having
bells and whistles.

So, that's how we ended up with ZTE GPON and SmartRG router behind it.
Although SmartRG is supposedly releasing a SR900? Which has an SFP WAN port
with several options for wan interface ( GPON, AE BiDi, VDSL, gigE)

Hope that's helpful info

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018, 9:25 PM Ken Hohhof < wrote:

> I should add that I talked to Mike Carpinelli at WISPAmerica in March 2016
> and he has been returning my emails and had actually set up a time for a
> conference.  But as I plowed through all the documentation on the Calix
> site, I couldn’t find any of the basic information most vendors give you,
> basically a getting started guide.  What are you  going to need, a
> step-by-step guide to hooking it all up, and screenshots of the GUI that
> your people will see, and that your customers will see.
> Furthermore, from the discussion here, it seems even WISPs that are using
> Calix products aren’t clear on Calix Cloud vs Consumer Connect, are they
> the same thing, are they different.  It seems like one is too expensive,
> and the other has the secret sauce and without it you’re missing half the
> features.  Or maybe they are different names for the same thing.  Very
> confusing.
> Originally I thought I just needed to order a handful of devices for lab
>  and beta testing, and that we’d learn through the hands-on experience.
> But I backed off when I found the documentation wasn’t telling me any of
> the things I needed to know.  Clearly just getting some devices in my hands
> wasn’t going to resolve the knowledge gap, if I was finding the
> documentation totally unhelpful.
> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Monday, November 19, 2018 7:00 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Calix Gigacenters - how difficult to implement?
> Cory is about as official as it gets.
> *From:* Adam Moffett
> *Sent:* Monday, November 19, 2018 4:28 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Calix Gigacenters - how difficult to implement?
> I would love to see "official" answers.  I'm looking at routers and
> managed WiFi for an FTTH build passing around 10,000 households.  I haven't
> made any commitments yet, so I'd be willing to talk about Calix.
> On 11/19/2018 6:13 PM, wrote:
> Actually this is the beginning.
> *From:* Ken Hohhof
> *Sent:* Friday, November 16, 2018 8:50 AM
> *To:* 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group'
> *Subject:* [AFMUG] Calix Gigacenters - how difficult to implement?
> For those of you who’ve successfully deployed Calix:
> I’ve been wanting to do something with the 844E and 804 since WISPAmerica
> 2.5 years ago, but I feel like I’m at the starting line of a marathon with
> my feet stuck in buckets full of concrete.
> Calix has tons of documentation, and after reading it, I feel about 1%
> smarter.  I don’t know what the end user or a tech sees as an interface for
> analytics and troubleshooting and tweaking settings.  I don’t know if you
> can do a standalone implementation with just the Calix Cloud and some
> Gigacenters and Mesh units, I get the impression you  need to mess with
> APIs and tie into all sorts of operations systems that we don’t have.  I’m
> not even clear on whether we need to set up some kind of on-network TR-069
> server, or if that’s all a cloud service hosted by Calix.
> Is the Calix stuff relatively straightforward to use, on a par with
> Cambium cnPilot and cnMaestro Cloud?  And maybe Calix documentation is just
> very confusing or I’m being stupid?  Or are these things pretty complicated
> to incorporate into a WISP network and get all the advantages of the
> devices and cloud management?
> I’m trying to decide whether to keep struggling and get more help from
> Calix, or give up.
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