Anybody here still using ads in the print Yellow Pages?  If yes, do you have
any metrics to say if they are working?


Our ad in 2 yellow books is up for renewal, I think it's only about $100 per
month total, so it would be worth it if we got maybe 1-2 new customers per
year.  But as far as I can tell, we haven't gotten a lead that way in years.
About half the area covered by the 2 books is outside our WISP coverage, and
I used to get the people all angry why do you advertise in my yellow book if
you don't have service here?  That hasn't happened in a long time, which is
one indicator for me that nobody uses the YP books anymore.  We do get leads
from the free "shopper" paper they throw on driveways (or maybe they mail
them, I'm not sure).


Also, Dex Media annoys me with their billing and renewal practices, so why
send them money if it isn't working.

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