Second the taxes and fees.  We went with CL on a 10G wave.  Even had them
"estimate" the taxes and fees.  Got the bill and the fees were something
like 4X what they estimated.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 6:25 PM Jim Bouse [Brazos WiFi] <>

> Lots of taxes and fees.
> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8 Active, an AT&T 5G Evolution smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Nate Burke <>
> Date: 1/31/19 5:27 PM (GMT-06:00)
> To: Animal Farm <>
> Subject: [AFMUG] Centurylink/Level3 Bandwidth
> Anyone using Centurylink branded Fiber+ Internet?  They gave us a very
> good Quote for 1gig connection loop and port, (as in almost 'too good to
> be true'),  so we're wondering if anyone has real world experience with
> them.  I believe the actual product is called Fiber+.  They're saying we
> can do BGP to AS209, and there are no extra charges for anything other
> than a little bit of tax.  The price is making us a little wary that
> they're not telling us something.
> --
> AF mailing list
> --
> AF mailing list


Carl Peterson


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Baltimore, MD 21202

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