For the record, the 'sales team' told him that he could just put the
connections in the name of the building owners instead of in the name of
the company....sound familiar?  Every single location received the same
certified letter.  I am not messing around.  I would run as fast as I could
from that deal.....and I did.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 12:33 PM Seth Mattinen <> wrote:

> On 2/1/19 10:28, Jeremy wrote:
> > Yeah, the sales team told my colleague and I the same thing.  Fiber+
> > allowed resale at first, but then they changed the terms (the terms
> > allow for this as well).  I tried to get them to red line the agreement
> > and force them to take that out and the deal fell apart.  The sales team
> > will do anything to make a deal, but if they decide to pull your card
> > over terms you are screwed.  Is it worth risking your business?  I am
> > sure that you all remember Doug Clark?  He is the one they shut down at
> > like four locations where he had service  They even notified the PSC in
> > advance that he was in violation of their TOS (which they changed after
> > the fact), so that he had no recourse.  I would steer clear of that
> > Fiber+ plan, and those sales reps that are trying to get you to sign
> > anyway if it were me.  Ask for a different sales rep, get a hold of the
> > national wholesale department.
> As far as what is or isn't resale goes, signing up for IP service and
> using it to feed a POP ("fiber to all our pops!") and it's *not* layer 2
> transport is less ambiguous that building your own network with AS where
> it's just another BGP speaking transit port.
> --
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