That reminded me of being out in the middle of nowhere (Tygh Ridge, Oregon) on 
a day that was about 10 below zero.  Stopped at a ped to do some work.  Needed 
to call the office for some reason.  Dial on the butt set was too cold to turn. 
 So after a few attempts I was able to dial zero by just tapping the clips to 
the wire.  Operators back then were very helpful, especially if you told them 
you were a lineman.  She connected me.  

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:06 PM
To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Medical Alert Systems

New customer last week was telling our installer they keep getting 911 
responses to their dairy barn, it turns out they have a milking system that 
connects to a Frontier landline that is very unreliable, and the random 
interruptions would occasionally dial 9-1-1.  Frontier always blames it on 
“mice in the boxes”.  I have a mental image of the mice tapping out 9-1-1.  
Help, we’re being held hostage in a Frontier cross box!



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Steve Jones
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:17 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Medical Alert Systems


We used to sell emergency dialers when i worked at a radio shack, that was back 
when the documentation wasnt marketing. It had all kinds of warnings about not 
using it to dial emergency services without professional installation, keep it 
on backup power sources, have an alternate method for emergency contact 
outward, etc. I much preferred that to todays focus on helmet wearing window 
licking ease of installation, one button setup, and no way of knowing if it 
works til grandmas hip is broke at the bottom of the stairs


On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 3:58 PM Sean Heskett <> wrote:

  Apple Watch with cellular is what we did for my mom.


  When it calls 911 it will also txt whomever you want to also alert them to 
the 911 call





  On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 9:47 AM Nate Burke <> wrote:

    I have some relatives that are getting elderly and still living on their 
    own.  Landline only (Frontier, so it mostly works), they don't even have 
    a cell phone.  It seems like a lot of devices now are geared towards the 
    smart home market, where they presume that you have an internet 
    connection.  Other devices are $20 or $30/month for the 
    monitoring/answering service.  There are other family members close by, 
    so it really just needs a wireless panic button that can make an 
    outbound call to them.  A cordless phone is probably more technical that 
    can be handled, and I know that it would rarely leave it's base 
    station.  So a pendent/watch is much more preferable.

    Just brainstorming, Preferably, dial a list of numbers until someone 
    answers and confirms via keypress or something.

    Does something like that exist?

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