21:00 UTC?


From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> On Behalf Of Forrest Christian (List Account)
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 7:04 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues


Just an update/random informational message, a lot of which is pretty obvious 
from this thread:


1) As is pretty obvious at this point, something happened either with the GPS 
constellation or with the firmware which runs in the GPS module, or some 
combination of those.    What many of you might not be aware of is that many 
vendors use the same GPS modules from the same vendor.   Generally a certain 
portion of the uGPS, PacketFlux, ePMP all will use the same module, along with 
other vendors.   Each of the vendors (including PacketFlux) has changed the 
exact model of the module over the years, for instance the GPS+glonass modules 
are in newer devices, and GPS only are in older ones.   I'm working through 
determining whether this is just the GPS+GLONASS modules which are affected (it 
seems like it might be the case), or if it's a few different types.   Note that 
because this seems like it might be confined to a certain type (or types) of 
module, that it might turn out to be only certain date/model ranges of each 
type of gear which are affected.


2) Restart of the module seems to clear the issue.   For PacketFlux gear, 
anyone with a SiteMonitor or RackInjector should be able to do this remotely.   
In the SiteMonitor, the row on the binary tab is labeled something like 
'SyncPipe power'.   There might be multiple rows depending on how many 
SyncInjector/PowerInjectors you have - this corresponds to the power port on 
each injector, so you'll have to turn off the row which is for the unit which 
the GPS receiver is attached to.    In the RackInjector, it's a bit simpler 
since it's just a button on the GPS page.


3) I'm currently working through trying to find anyone who really knows what 
went on here.   None of the usual notification locations seem to have any data. 
  Probably too early to tell.   I might luck out and be able to get a GPS 
constellation recording I can replay here to replicate.  


One thing which might be helpful is for those of you who log this stuff, if you 
can provide a pretty close UTC time that this occurred, along with the 
approximate LAT/LONG, I might be able to correlate this with a specific event.


- Forrest

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