So why didn’t this happen four years ago?  And why were only Cambium type 
products affected?

> On Jan 2, 2020, at 6:13 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) 
> <> wrote:
> The answer to your question is complicated.   The short answer is that not in 
> the way you stated it, as there isn't good enough clock hardware in the 
> rackinjector to do this holdover, and the current electrical architecture 
> isn't set up to permit the generation of a clock internally.   We're looking 
> at some options though so you might see something like this in the future.    
> We're also looking at doing a hardware revision to the control board to 
> permit a high quality holdover oscillator to be added.    This work was 
> underway well before this event, but hasn't progressed to the point that 
> there are really any details as to what form this might take and when it 
> might happen.
>> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 4:00 PM Eric Muehleisen <> wrote:
>> A great feature would be for the RackInjector to generate it's own hold-over 
>> sync if it were to loose GPS. Any possibility of including something like 
>> that in the next firmware update?
>> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:45 PM Forrest Christian (List Account) 
>> <> wrote:
>>> One note is that on later RackInjectors, rebooting the rackinjector not 
>>> only won't reboot attached devices, it also won't reboot the GPS receiver.  
>>>  This is to permit reboots of the control interface without affecting 
>>> connected device at all.   This includes *most* firmware upgrades.
>>> So for the later boards, you'll need to reset it on the GPS status page.
>>>> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 6:29 PM Andreas Wiatowski <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Forrest, let us know what you find. I can confirm that I have done 
>>>> the power cycle on the Rack injectors....we have seen the same issue occur 
>>>> again...feels like interference. 
>>>> It has been suggested by some to switch to Autosync+Freerun to avoid loss 
>>>> of client use...I guess it really depends on your networks reuse scheme.
>>>> <image861500.jpg>  
>>>> Internet.​
>>>> ​Phone.
>>>> ​TV.
>>>> Andreas Wiatowski
>>>> CEO/Founder
>>>> Silo
>>>> 1-866-727-4138, ext 600
>>>>  | 
>>>> <image461146.png>  
>>>> <image041427.png>
>>>> > On Dec 31, 2019, at 8:05 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) 
>>>> > <> wrote:
>>>> > 
>>>> >  [EXTERNAL]
>>>> > Just an update/random informational message, a lot of which is pretty 
>>>> > obvious from this thread:
>>>> > 
>>>> > 1) As is pretty obvious at this point, something happened either with 
>>>> > the GPS constellation or with the firmware which runs in the GPS module, 
>>>> > or some combination of those. What many of you might not be aware of is 
>>>> > that many vendors use the same GPS modules from the same vendor. 
>>>> > Generally a certain portion of the uGPS, PacketFlux, ePMP all will use 
>>>> > the same module, along with other vendors. Each of the vendors 
>>>> > (including PacketFlux) has changed the exact model of the module over 
>>>> > the years, for instance the GPS+glonass modules are in newer devices, 
>>>> > and GPS only are in older ones. I'm working through determining whether 
>>>> > this is just the GPS+GLONASS modules which are affected (it seems like 
>>>> > it might be the case), or if it's a few different types. Note that 
>>>> > because this seems like it might be confined to a certain type (or 
>>>> > types) of module, that it might turn out to be only certain date/model 
>>>> > ranges of each type of gear which are affected.
>>>> > 
>>>> > 2) Restart of the module seems to clear the issue. For PacketFlux gear, 
>>>> > anyone with a SiteMonitor or RackInjector should be able to do this 
>>>> > remotely. In the SiteMonitor, the row on the binary tab is labeled 
>>>> > something like 'SyncPipe power'. There might be multiple rows depending 
>>>> > on how many SyncInjector/PowerInjectors you have - this corresponds to 
>>>> > the power port on each injector, so you'll have to turn off the row 
>>>> > which is for the unit which the GPS receiver is attached to. In the 
>>>> > RackInjector, it's a bit simpler since it's just a button on the GPS 
>>>> > page.
>>>> > 
>>>> > 3) I'm currently working through trying to find anyone who really knows 
>>>> > what went on here. None of the usual notification locations seem to have 
>>>> > any data. Probably too early to tell. I might luck out and be able to 
>>>> > get a GPS constellation recording I can replay here to replicate. 
>>>> > 
>>>> > One thing which might be helpful is for those of you who log this stuff, 
>>>> > if you can provide a pretty close UTC time that this occurred, along 
>>>> > with the approximate LAT/LONG, I might be able to correlate this with a 
>>>> > specific event.
>>>> > 
>>>> > - Forrest
>>>> > -- 
>>>> > AF mailing list
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> -- 
>>>> AF mailing list
>>> -- 
>>> - Forrest
>>> -- 
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> - Forrest
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