Sierra Wireless should pay you a consulting fee to help them fix this problem.  
At a minimum, let you have a copy of the source code.


From: AF <> On Behalf Of Forrest Christian (List Account)
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 7:58 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues


All of the affected modules should be able to be flashed.   Whether or not the 
facility is in place to do so depends a lot on the design choices made.  I 
purposefully have ensured that there is some way to update firmware in the 
field for all of these modules, with varying levels of pain.   I'm going to 
make a educated guess and say that if you have a rackinjector in place, there 
is a good chance you won't have much pain in the event this firmware needs to 
be updated.    The worst case scenario will require a cable being physically 
plugged into the GPS receiver - I know this is specifically the case with the 
SyncBox junior Aux ports since there is no other way to get a serial console to 
the GPS module due to the AUX port pinning.   


How much of this is a firmware update vs a configuration change in the modules, 
I can't say for sure at this point.   I think we're heading into the 
speculation category further than I want to do until we have a better idea what 
is really involved here.   The good news is that things are progressing.




On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 6:31 PM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

The crucial question seems to be, do we mark our calendars for 4 years from 
now, midnight Moscow time, New Years Eve 2023?  So we can power cycle a bunch 
of GPS receivers?


Or is there some kind of retroactive fix that can be applied?


Or do we have 4 years to physically replace the devices?  If so, with what?  I 
guess it’s not the end of the world to replace a bunch of Syncboxes on towers 
if we have 4 years to do it, as long as we have a replacement device available.


I’d like to think we could log into a Sync/Power/RackInjector and squirt new 
firmware into the attached GPS receiver, but I doubt it.  Same with a Cambium 
UGPS.  Not sure about ePMP.


From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Forrest Christian (List Account)
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 7:12 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues


Yes, and it happens a lot apparently.   I.E. it looked weird, but it wasn't.




On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 6:05 PM Mike Hammett < 
<> > wrote:

Was the weird clock update from GPS PRN 29 sent about 20 minutes before 
midnight Moscow time just coincidence?

Mike Hammett
 <> Intelligent Computing Solutions
 <> Midwest Internet Exchange
 <> The Brothers WISP


From: "Forrest Christian (List Account)" < 
<> >
To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" < 
<> >
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 6:53:14 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues

For us, we have only been shipping GPS+GLONASS since late in 2017 or 2018, so 
this is the first GLONASS rollover for us.    Remember this is still 
speculation here, but I am starting to feel like this most likely will turn out 
to be the underlying cause.


All of us with the issue seem to be running AXN5.1.1 which was built at the end 
of 2017.  This might be specific to that firmware version/build.


There are lots of GPS modules out there of varying quality, but few which are 
really suitable for 1PPS synchronization.   Believe me, I've evaluated enough 
of them to know.  I even evaluated a GPS module earlier this year which was 
specifically targeted to timing applications (including survey-in and 
single-satellite operation) and discovered that it was far worse timing-wise 
than the ones we're using.  The mediatek based modules seem to be a good mix of 
low cost and really good 1PPS performance.   Pretty much any others are 
multiples of the price.  This is probably why we've all ended up using the same 


But if you're looking for a cheap GPS receiver and don't care about 1PPS you 
might end up with something else.    And probably a different firmware build.


TOTAL SPECULATION:  One suspicion I have is that the behavior of the device 
might be related to which constellation it is preferring, because if GLONASS is 
saying 2016 and GPS is saying 2020 (according to your broken firmware), then 
you might find a module which thinks it's 2016 based on GLONASS  but is getting 
these confusing signals from GPS which says it's 2019/2020.   An alternate 
module that is convinced it's 2019/2020 might not be happy about GLONASS trying 
to say it's 2016.   The behavior would probably have to be different in both 
cases and possibly would alternate between the behaviors if one was not 
preferred for some RF reason.


On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 5:14 PM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

I’m not sure it’s true that only Cambium products were affected.  It appears to 
be more a certain 3rd party GPS+GLONASS receiver module that Packetflux uses in 
their latest production of Syncboxes and that Cambium apparently uses in their 
latest UGPS production.  Are Packetflux sync products used to time anything but 
Cambium?  Probably not.  Certainly some other manufacturers must OEM that 
particular module, you’d think some newer auto GPS nav products or autosteer 
tractors or ICBMs or whatever must have gone bonkers.  Even if they only use 
location data and not time sync or a 1pps signal, it seemed like the GPS sats 
just disappeared.


Older Cambium and Packetflux products as well as Last Mile Gear CTM-1 and CTM-2 
seemed unaffected, I assume because they used different, older modules inside.  
It’s interesting that Nate reports his ePMP APs tracked fewer satellites but 
not down to zero, and recovered without a power cycle.  Different GPS+GLONASS 
module?  Different firmware in the module?  Inquiring minds want to know.



From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Matt Hoppes
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 5:42 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] mass GPS issues


So why didn’t this happen four years ago?  And why were only Cambium type 
products affected?

On Jan 2, 2020, at 6:13 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) 
< <> > wrote:

The answer to your question is complicated.   The short answer is that not in 
the way you stated it, as there isn't good enough clock hardware in the 
rackinjector to do this holdover, and the current electrical architecture isn't 
set up to permit the generation of a clock internally.   We're looking at some 
options though so you might see something like this in the future.    We're 
also looking at doing a hardware revision to the control board to permit a high 
quality holdover oscillator to be added.    This work was underway well before 
this event, but hasn't progressed to the point that there are really any 
details as to what form this might take and when it might happen.


On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 4:00 PM Eric Muehleisen < 
<> > wrote:

A great feature would be for the RackInjector to generate it's own hold-over 
sync if it were to loose GPS. Any possibility of including something like that 
in the next firmware update?


On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:45 PM Forrest Christian (List Account) 
< <> > wrote:

One note is that on later RackInjectors, rebooting the rackinjector not only 
won't reboot attached devices, it also won't reboot the GPS receiver.   This is 
to permit reboots of the control interface without affecting connected device 
at all.   This includes *most* firmware upgrades.


So for the later boards, you'll need to reset it on the GPS status page.




On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 6:29 PM Andreas Wiatowski < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks Forrest, let us know what you find. I can confirm that I have done the 
power cycle on the Rack injectors....we have seen the same issue occur 
again...feels like interference. 

It has been suggested by some to switch to Autosync+Freerun to avoid loss of 
client use...I guess it really depends on your networks reuse scheme.



Andreas Wiatowski



 <tel:1-866-727-4138,%20ext%20600> 1-866-727-4138, ext 600









> On Dec 31, 2019, at 8:05 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) 
> < <> > wrote:
> Just an update/random informational message, a lot of which is pretty obvious 
> from this thread:
> 1) As is pretty obvious at this point, something happened either with the GPS 
> constellation or with the firmware which runs in the GPS module, or some 
> combination of those. What many of you might not be aware of is that many 
> vendors use the same GPS modules from the same vendor. Generally a certain 
> portion of the uGPS, PacketFlux, ePMP all will use the same module, along 
> with other vendors. Each of the vendors (including PacketFlux) has changed 
> the exact model of the module over the years, for instance the GPS+glonass 
> modules are in newer devices, and GPS only are in older ones. I'm working 
> through determining whether this is just the GPS+GLONASS modules which are 
> affected (it seems like it might be the case), or if it's a few different 
> types. Note that because this seems like it might be confined to a certain 
> type (or types) of module, that it might turn out to be only certain 
> date/model ranges of each type of gear which are affected.
> 2) Restart of the module seems to clear the issue. For PacketFlux gear, 
> anyone with a SiteMonitor or RackInjector should be able to do this remotely. 
> In the SiteMonitor, the row on the binary tab is labeled something like 
> 'SyncPipe power'. There might be multiple rows depending on how many 
> SyncInjector/PowerInjectors you have - this corresponds to the power port on 
> each injector, so you'll have to turn off the row which is for the unit which 
> the GPS receiver is attached to. In the RackInjector, it's a bit simpler 
> since it's just a button on the GPS page.
> 3) I'm currently working through trying to find anyone who really knows what 
> went on here. None of the usual notification locations seem to have any data. 
> Probably too early to tell. I might luck out and be able to get a GPS 
> constellation recording I can replay here to replicate. 
> One thing which might be helpful is for those of you who log this stuff, if 
> you can provide a pretty close UTC time that this occurred, along with the 
> approximate LAT/LONG, I might be able to correlate this with a specific event.
> - Forrest
> -- 
> AF mailing list
> <> 

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